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Raising Digital Citizens

Play to a Better Future

Turn 'no' into 'know'

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There’s a time in every parent’s life when their child will want more digital independence. This can feel very scary and overwhelming.

Danish company, Raising Digital Citizens’ mission is to help families turn ‘no’ into ‘know’ and foster closer, more meaningful relationships based on what researchers confirm is the best protection for children in the digital world: conversations.

The Raising Digital Citizens team asked Greenspace to create the brand strategy, narrative and visual identity for its new company, helping parents, educators, and children bridge the knowledge gap together and raise competent digital citizens.

Based on the brand idea, ‘Play to a better future’, Greenspace translated Raising Digital Citizens’ visionary approach into a body of work including all aspects of strategic design and branding, creating an authoritative yet playful and approachable identity for the brand, both online and in physical products.

Raising Digital Citizens’ logotype emphasises the conversational nature of the brand, and its first product is a set of 200 conversation cards.

The brand shapes and playful colours are designed to animate 7 conversation topics, maintaining and optimistic feel.

Raising Digital Citizens’ website provides a content-rich experience with guides for parents, articles and research, quizzes, and multiple resources for both parents and children to support their journey into digital awareness.

Toby Causton
Rdc Logo Image OverlayRdc Logo Image Overlay
A brand inspired by the art of conversation
Rdc Logo AnnotatedRdc Logo Annotated
7 geometric brand shapes symbolise key topics of conversation
Vibrant and playful packaging feels less like work and more like fun for families
Rdc Product Box HeadlineRdc Product Box Headline
Rdc Products Packshot Box AngledRdc Products Packshot Box Angled
Rdc Products Packshot Box OpenRdc Products Packshot Box Open
Rdc Products Cards Table ShadowsRdc Products Cards Table Shadows
Rdc Product Card Angled FrontRdc Product Card Angled Front
Rdc Product Card Angled BackRdc Product Card Angled Back
The conversation shapes and colours are used across all brand applications
Rdc Website Mobile 1Rdc Website Mobile 1
Rdc Website OverviewRdc Website Overview
Rdc GuidelinesRdc Guidelines
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